Richard Fuller

April 6, 2023

Richard Fuller

Prof Richard Fuller is an expert in sustainable environmental management who works on pure and applied topics in biodiversity and conservation, spanning the fields of biogeography, conservation planning, conservation psychology and urban ecology. Much of my work is interdisciplinary, focusing on the interactions between people and nature, how these can be enhanced, and how these relationships can be shaped to converge on coherent solutions to the biodiversity crisis. Current research topics include the ecology and conservation of migratory species, understanding what drives some people to show stronger environmental concern than others, and strategies for designing efficient conservation plans. He frequently advises the Australian Government as well as regional agencies such as Queensland Department of Environment and Science, and Brisbane City Council. This advice includes expert witness testimony on the biodiversity impacts of proposed coastal developments and for advice about migratory species conservation domestically and internationally. He seeks to communicate broadly with the public and am invited monthly to speak at local and regional meetings and writing for special interest magazines and newsletters.

We acknowledge the HEAL (Healthy Environments And Lives) National Research Network, which receives funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council Special Initiative in Human Health and Environmental Change (Grant No. 2008937).
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