Rebecca Ivers

March 17, 2023

Rebecca Ivers

Professor Rebecca Ivers is Head of the School of Population Health, UNSW; honorary Professorial Fellow at the George Institute for Global Health; and an NHMRC Senior Research Fellow. She leads a global research program focusing on the prevention and management of injury. Trained as an epidemiologist, her research interests focus on the prevention of injury, trauma care, the research to policy transfer in both high and low income countries, and the global burden of injury, with a focus on equity and the social determinants of health. She has worked extensively with the World Health Organization, contributing to multiple Good Practice Guides and global advocacy across unintentional injury.

We acknowledge the HEAL (Healthy Environments And Lives) National Research Network, which receives funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council Special Initiative in Human Health and Environmental Change (Grant No. 2008937).
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